Good memes and good meals :D

Hi folks! It’s nearly time for me to go back to uni for third year (how did that get here so quickly?!) so I will be posting when I get the chance in between writing my dissertation and creating stupidly big paintings…

I am also continuing to write my FAQ & Thoughts page, which is a work-in-progress and a great outlet for me – feel free to have a read 🙂

For now, I will leave a couple of 100% accurate memes here, which have popped up on my Facebook recently…



… and a (not particularly healthy, but delicious) comfort-food meal of Fry’s sausages, Lidl’s mushy peas, chips, ketchup, avocado and tomatoes, which also happened to be very colour co-ordinated! 😀


Recent food pics

Here are a few recent food pictures, recipes and tips from the last month 🙂

Firstly, here is this stir fry I made a few weeks ago, from Fry’s chicken strips, vegetables and teriyaki sauce from Lidl, with shredded cucumber:


Secondly, I was delighted to find vegan meatballs in Sainsbury’s (a new item, right next to their own brand vegan mince!), so I made this pasta dish using them, fresh cherry tomatoes, Lloyd Grossman tomato and basil sauce and onions (with a side of avocado of course):


Another delicious new find in Sainsbury’s was this freefrom ice-cream, which has a gorgeous light texture and yummy strawberry and coconut flavour:


Aaaaaand lastly, a little tip from me: buy Jus-roll pastry, and make your own baked treats by rolling either strawberry jam, or this milk-style chocolate spread from Plamil, into it! You’re welcome, in advance! 😀


Meeting Meat Loaf! (not the food)

Yesterday was a very exciting one, as Jacob and I had the opportunity to have a meet-and-greet with Meat Loaf! (We always find it amusing that one of our favourite musicians has that name 😀 ). His new album is released today, and he was signing a sleeve for each of us in advance. It was a very precious moment which included tears from the man himself! Meat is a humble and friendly man and it was an honour to meet him 🙂

As always, going on a trip is a great opportunity to visit new vegan eateries and sample some delish nosh. Yesterday included Tibits and Cookies and Scream, both of which I was very eager to visit!

Tibits is a veggie/vegan restaurant off Regent Street, where you serve yourself from a wide range of dishes and cuisines, and pay based on the weight of your plate. I couldn’t choose what to have, so had a bit of everything 😀 It was good value, and I also had a truly yummy homemade ginger lemonade 🙂


We then took the bus up to Camden Market, which is such a lively, cool place full of exciting stalls selling gifts, clothes and food. Cookies and Scream was a challenge to locate, as it is a tiny counter tucked away in one of the market halls, but it was well worth the confusion! It is entirely vegan and gluten-free, with a wide range of cakes, cookies, milkshakes and sundaes. After a lot of deliberation, Jacob chose a slice of their chocolate pie, and I had a cookie dough sundae 🙂 It wasn’t just the best vegan ice-cream I have had; it was the best ice-cream I have EVER had!!


We were so full afterwards, which turned out to be a good thing, as we were queuing for Meat Loaf for over three hours!! Was totally worth it though 🙂 Photographs with Meat were not permitted, unfortunately, so instead I’ll insert a photo of me and Jacob in our gothy outfits before we left home 😀
